Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"Happy Birthday to my dear sister" from Bushi

Yippee!!! It's my Birthday today and me and Bushi always enjoy my BIRTHDAY! I got so many wishes from morning 7:00am onwards! I prayed to god that today our family and all the animals in this world should be happy! Even my blog readers and followers should be happy today! However my Birthday is  celebrated in a hotel and our pets are not allowed there,still my pets and I will enjoy as much as we can  in home! I want today to be the happiest  day in this whole year! I don't want scoldings and arguments! I just want to enjoy with cool drinks and happiness! We invited all the people whom we know. I was waiting eagerly for my Birthday for the past 1 year.21st July is always a lucky day for me because it's my Birthday and this Birthday I am turning 11 years!I'm a millennium baby.
  I even have a YouTube account! Bushi,Tabi, Hima, Deepa(Bushi you know, Tabi is our turtle,Hima is our dog and Deepa is our rabbit!)and I are enjoying today with lots of goodies!
This is our cute puppy Hima(Latest photo!)
Is our Deepa(Latest photo!)
Its our cute turtle(not latest photo!)
Our fabulous cute Bushi!(Sorry, not latest photo!)
All my pets are wishing me a " very fabulous and magnificent BIRTHDAY!"
Then did you wish me?