Thursday, June 30, 2011

Say NO to plastic bags

From July 1st onwards we should not use plastic bags! Even our Bushi wants a safe and a beautiful environment!So please stop using plastic bags and don't spoil the Earth.Bushi's green color feathers represent the Green Nature!

Plastics are harmful because-
  • Plastic bags litter the environment. They are even non-biodegradable so they won't mix with the soil and somehow they find their way to our waterways,parks,beaches etc.
cow dead
  • Plastic bags kill ANIMALS. About- 100,000 such as turtles,dolphins,whales,cows etc. die by eating them.They think that those bags are food and eat them.Plastics are made with chemicals.

  • Petroleum is required to make plastic bags.

  • One of its worst facts is that it is non-biodegradable and it can take at least 1000 years to decompose.
Non-biodegradable waste-The waste which doesn't mix with the soil or decompose in the soil.
 Everybody,its a request from Bushi and me,don't use plastic bags and let us have a Healthy Planet. To have a Healthy Planet first make our environment healthy!All this is for our sake only.Live and let live!


      Death leaves a heartache
               no one can heal
          Love leaves a memory
              no one can steal