Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"Happy valentine's day ♥"-Bushi and me

Bushi gave a flower to me and said "Happy Valentines day". I felt so happy.

Bushi mewed a lot and at last I understood that he wanted to know why is Valentine's day celebrated.

Here's what I said to him-

We celebrate Valentine's day because, until 1969 it was one of the many Saint's day observed by Catholic Church. It was dedicated to the patron saint of romantic causes, St.Valentine .

On February 14, the ancient Romans celebrated the Feast of Lupercalia in the honor of Juno. Juno was also the goddess of marriage.

So that is the reason why we celebrate Valentine's day.

Bushi then wanted me to cuddle him. I love Bushi and Happy Valentine's day to all of you!

Just For FUN!!-

Hey guys! Here's a awesome Valentine's game to play. Click here a enjoy!(If you can't click the URL, copy and paste in the address bar)-

Here's a awesome quiz which tells you what shoes/slippers to wear(If you can't click the URL, copy and paste in the address bar)!!
