Sunday, December 25, 2011

"Merry Christmas!!" -Bushi and me

Its Christmas!! Bushi is jumping to the Google doodle's music. I love that music!

Christmas is celebrated world wide! The word Christmas means ''Christ's mass" 
 Everyone waits very eagerly for this festival. They enjoy this a lot!
They even call this as "Happy Holidays". We have winter break in these days and enjoy a lot!

Bushi was really happy to get his gifts, "Cat food"!

"Christmas is a state of mind when you cherish peace and goodwill.
The real spirit of Christmas is to have mercy, love and faith
Merry christmas"


Christmas Day is celebrated as a major festival and public holiday in countries around the world, including many whose populations are mostly non-Christian. In some non-Christian countries, periods of former colonial rule introduced the celebration (e.g. Hong Kong); in others, Christian minorities or foreign cultural influences have led populations to observe the holiday. Countries such as Japan and Korea, where Christmas is popular despite there being only a small number of Christians, have adopted many of the secular aspects of Christmas, such as gift-giving, 
decorations and Christmas trees.

Christ was born in a manger. After his birth, that manger became a place of worship! There came the wise men, sheppards, angels, Gabriel and many other important persons.  

With this, many say that our heart is a manger and on Christmas the Christ is born in our heart and washes away our sins.

Merry Christmas!!!

What we think; we become, if we have the sprit.