Perpendicular lines are so important because they're the apex. It's the farthest you can get away from another point no matter WHAT YOUR REFERENCE point is. So if you look at things from a broader perspective, they all come together. Nature always follows orderly randomness. Orderly randomness can be perceived from the apex. That's what gave rise to life. That's what gave rise to a system, a team. The theory of emergence. How things all come together from a broader perspective. That's why perpendicular lines are so important, that's why right angles are so important. That's why a whole topic of math is related to right angled triangles.
Monday, December 25, 2017
Shower talk: Perpendicular Lines
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Shower talk: Entropy is cool!
Entropy and equilibrium
Entropy can also be thought of energy in a system that is clustered in one spot eventually spreading out evenly in the entire system so that every spot has the same amount of energy. However, when viewed outside the system, the energy level will remain the same before "spreading" and after "spreading".
Therefore entropy is increasing the equilibrium while conserving the energy within the system. See how all the laws of thermodynamics relate so beautifully?
For life (high energy systems, high organized systems that do convert energy to work) to exist sounds like a weird thing to happen if the goal of the universe is to acquire equilibrium (through entropy) but maybe life exists as an investment universe made to increase the entropy. Because of the complex processes life does to covert energy to work, the entropy of the universe increases greatly. For any high ordered, energy that can be converted to work (useful energy) filled system, it creates (equal amount of?) high disordered, useless energy (friction etc.) outside the system.
The universe is essentially trying to get to a lower energy state. But that sounds weird considering how some places in a system that never had any energy before acquire energy (through even spreading of energy from a high cluster of energy). Didn't the universe want to have no energy?
The universe wants to expand so much that even if a high cluster of energy spreads, the units (places in the system with no energy before) acquire so little energy that it is almost close to nothing. Universe is expanding and this expansion is fueled by the energy that was present during the big bang.
This leads to so many questions in my mind, so much more research that I need to do to itch my doubts, that I'm currently lowkey overwhelmed right now whoa.
But in a more philosophical sense, just like how the universe started out as a bright cluster full of energy and how it will (might) die turning dark and devoid of energy, humans too start out as little cheerful happy babies full of energy that slowly die with almost no energy left to where everything turns dark. But it's not all this depressing when you think that just like entropy is spreading of energy, we humans in our lifetime spread our energy (happiness, knowledge etc.) everywhere before we die!