Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Shower Talk: There's a reason why we're here

Here's something big, okay? You are the universe. You are the medium that can unlock the mysteries of the universe. You and the universe are joined to the mind, body, soul and your very own existence. You won't be destroyed for as long as the universe lives on. And here's the simple, straightforward answer to the big question, "what is the meaning of life?": all that you have to do in life is understand your relationship with the universe.

It's like emergence, you know? Actually, it is emergence. "Stupid" things coming together to form something "smart". Or let's put it in a better way: simple things coming together to form something complicated. See the relationship between two polar opposites? "Simple", "Complicated", "Stupid", "Smart"; "You", the insignificant spec in the world, and the "Universe". That's what that old Chinese theory of Yin-Yang goes on about, right?

This makes me wonder, what if the initial stages of life were even more connected to the universe than we are? Are we diverging away from our connection with the cosmos? Or are we getting closer? Where is the universe headed to? Science would say: "down". Down, to a lower energy state, to stability. But that contradicts the concept of entropy which states that everything tends towards disorder. What is the relationship between stability and disorder then? Why does such a contradiction arise?

Here's another way to look at it: if production of life can arise from both splitting of a cell (mitosis, budding) and a combination of cells (meiosis, fertilization), does that mean splitting and combining both can lead to life? Isn't that contradictory? What if it isn't? What if opposites didn't have to be contradictory? What if opposites didn't have to cancel each other out, rather, what if they behaved based on the circumstances? Don’t opposite poles of the magnet attract? What if the concept of opposite and similar is just superficial? Something which is a wave can also be a particle? Why? Maybe because it was both, to begin with? Here's a way to put it simply: there is no positive or negative, there is only both in the beginning. The perceiver is the judge. And the fact that you can perceive it to be "something", rather than "anything", is a proof that you are conscious.

This consciousness that we're given, tells us that the answer to the universe lies within our own selves. A system is nothing without the parts in it. In fact, a system IS the parts together. The set of the Alphabet is nothing without its components: letters. In fact, this paragraph that you're reading itself is a system. It will only be meaningful if I use the words following certain grammar rules. The words do not know that they are being made to follow certain rules to make sense. In fact, the words are not conscious. That is why this system of words will never be considered living. The universe is similar. It would be non-living if it didn't have conscious being such as ourselves in it. Hence, knowing the important role we play in this system of the universe, it is our duty, almost a natural one, to figure out what we are. If we do that, we can figure out what the universe is because we are the universe.

That is why it is so important to figure out who you are. You, just like any other thing in this entire universe, is versatile. You can be positive. You can be negative. But how do you judge you are "something" at a given point in time? With perception. 

  • “I think. Therefore, I am” - René Descartes

I cannot stress how immensely great of an ability it is to "perceive". It literally shapes the world. But just like contrasts are prevalent everywhere in the universe, perception can be conscious and unconscious and even subconscious. The three states prevalent everywhere: positive, negative and neutral. This leads to a scope for superposition to exist. You can be anything because you have the base of neutrality. That is why the universe seeks neutrality, equilibrium, because then with it, the universe can branch off however it wants. It has a solid base. But we know there will always be a contrast (yes, I am repeating myself but understand why, because the concept of opposites coexisting is extremely ubiquitous, mutually beneficial relationships are significant for continuity of space-time) and that is the reason for entropy's existence: to counter the neutrality that the universe is trying to seek. In a sense, with entropy, the universe is creating a preventive measure to not "over exceed" equilibrium which will then again offset the entire point of being stable, neutral and equal.

 I just got really deep there, didn’t I? My whole point is that YOU are the point. The point of the universe is itself, it is us. Understanding us, will on a greater scale, mean understanding the universe. It is so simple, the fundamental rule of the universe is so simple, that it looks complicated. That is a lofty statement for someone like me to make but I say it because of the way things have been. You'd say the same too after you realize how even though the planets revolve with quite the speed around the Sun if you were to look at the Solar System right now, it'd appear to be perfectly still. Something moves so fast, it looks still. Something is so big, so very vast that we can't even scale it or perceive it, that it is non-existent to us. Even though it's really big, because it is beyond our limits of perception, it "doesn't exist". But just because we can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there. Just because we don't find the fundamental rule of the universe so easily doesn't mean it's extremely complicated. We have to change the way we're looking at because perception can play tricks on us. Just looking at something and knowing "it is something" is different from looking at something and understanding "why it is something". Knowing and understanding are different and their difference is so significant that it is often overlooked at. Recently physicists are pulling their hair out on the antimatter and matter asymmetry: "If there were equal amounts of antimatter and matter, they'd come in contact and destroy each other. That would mean, life as we know it, shouldn't exist. The universe shouldn't exist". This is true. It is a very weird disparity of the universe but that doesn't mean the universe shouldn't exist. It exists for a reason and that reason might be us (the components that comprise the universe), or within us.